Saturday, December 15, 2007

A THREE Show Day

Yesterday was a busy day for me. THREE shows in less than 18 hours...

It started out with my leaving the house at about 8:30AM and driving 90 minutes to South Bend, Indiana to perform my Holiday Hypnosis Show for a real estate management and sales company for their holiday party. The drive was fine, the audience was wonderful, the venue was quite nice, but the sound system almost blew up!

All during the part where I hypnotize the volunteers, the sound system kept emitting these incredibly loud and random POPs and CRACKLEs and BANGs!, even after I had turned the microphone and my computer (where I keep the shows music) off!

Fortunately, I have a good speaking voice for large groups and the show went very well, although in a slightly different direction that I had originally planned.... the client, however, was absolutely delighted and that's what counts!

Then, it was off to the North Side of Chicago for another company party for two regional offices of AFLAC Insurance (yes, the duck advertisement people). Unlike the first show, this one was my Strolling Magic Program, working the crowd, doing coins, cards, rubber bands and my trademarked magical mania. These folks are a great group, too!

Finally, it was off to the United Center for a 90 minute set doing Magic and Mind-reading for the crowds for the Chicago Bulls vs the Knicks game. This is my fourteenth year of working for the Bulls organization, through their event planning contractors and I am deeply appreciative and honored to be a part of these shows.

So, if you ever attend a Bulls game and see me performing in the halls as part of the paid entertainment, please stop by and introduce yourself and mention that you saw this page!

Yesterday was a busy day for me. THREE shows in less than 18 hours... and I loved every minute of it!

Happy Holidays!

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