Monday, August 20, 2007

See me at Vida Lounge Aug 29th in Chicago!

Place: Vida Lounge, located at 1248 W. George St. in Chicago, Illinois. (That's just north of Diversey on Lincoln for those of you not familiar with the area)

Date: August 29th, 2007

Time: 8PM to 11PM

What: A talent showcase for event planners, club owners, hotel programming managers, talent agents and anyone else interested in using great talent for their upcoming events!

I (Lee Darrow), will be performing both standup material (possibly some short parts of my stage hypnosis act) AND strolling magic as well as doing some sit-down magic and mentalism during the evening along with about 20 other artists, musicians, poets and performance artists.

Price: $10 (we have to pay for the space after all)

The bar will be there serving drinks and I understand that there may even be some food as well...!

So contact me directly for tickets because you will not get in without one!

Come see why magic is on the upswing in Chicago and just how hypnotic your evening can be!

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Another Scare

First, to address those effected by the collapse of the bridge in the Minneapolis area, please know that my prayers are with you all and will be in the months and years to come.

Speaking of which, I went to the doctor yesterday.

You see, I found a lump about 2 weeks ago. With my history and my family's history, this was a scary thing, in and of itself.

What made it really scary for me was that the lump is sitting on my right hand. In the middle. On the back. On a tendon.

Well, you can imagine what went through my mind... being a cancer survivor, that's always the first thing to run through the little gray cells... the Big 'C' sitting on your means to a living... or could it be the start of some lumpy form of arthritis? The crippling kind? Or maybe a calcium deposit?

Well, the doc took one look at it, poked and prodded it, had me flex my hand a few times and made his pronouncement - it's a ganglion cyst.

Sounds scary, doesn't it?

Well, it's not. It's really nothing more than a hernia of the sheathe of the tendon - and, if there is no pain happening, it's essentially a "nothing to do" issue. No loss of mobility, sensation, flexibility or future ability. Just a little lump that looks like I have an alien critter or implant in my hand...

Hmmmm.... I wonder if I can come up with some sort of magic effect that actually USES the silly thing...?

May all of your scares be as lacking in real substance!

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