Sunday, January 07, 2007

Moving later this morning!

Well, Sunday morning (later this morning, technically), we will be moving both our home AND both of our offices into our new home on the other side of Chicago.

Unfortunately, this means that I'll be offline - or online very sporadically, until about Tuesday morning or early afternoon.

if you need to book me for YOUR next event, please CALL or EMAIL me from the link on my regular web page at (the phone number is there, too, but may be changing soon as well - AT&T/SBC (they're merging here, you may have heard) is being a royal PAIN about porting the line to the new location for some reason!

But PLEASE KEEP TRYING, I WILL do my very BEST to return calls in a timely manner!

Lee Darrow, C.H.
The contact phone number still works!