Friday, October 27, 2006

I Got to Entertain CARLOS MENCIA Last Night!

Last night, after his Punisher Concert in Chicago, I got to do a little magic for the man I consider to be the bravest comedian in the world - Carlos Mencia! WHAT a gracious and nice guy he is, too - not to mention that the show was off the hook, da bomb and F^%#in' FUNNY!!!

I got to do my version of Tai Cheat (some of the magi know it as "Crazy Man's Handcuffs") for Carlos, Brad Williams and Carlos' brother Joseph.

Carlos cracked up when I did the effect in HIS hands and Comedy Central TAPED IT!!

What happens next is anybody's guess, but the guy from Comedy Central who did the taping asked for a Performer's Release and said that it COULD wind up on Carlos' page ( and on his page over at as well!

Talk about One Free Ticket to an Air Walk for a week for this magical dude!!!

THANKS CARLOS, Brad, Joseph and Comedy Central!

You made my anniversary night something to remember!

Lee Darrow
The Interactive Entertainer

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Mad Scientist Magic for the Chicago Blackhawks!

This Saturday, October 28th, at the world-famous United Center in Chicago, I will be doing my world-class strolling mgic and possibly even some strolling HYPNOSIS for the pre-game show and during the game itself for the great Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Team!

As a part of a Special Halloween Magic Night promotion, through Productions USA, in conjunction with the Chicago Blackhawks and the National Hockey League by extension, I will be decked out in my infamous lab coat and slightly manic expression, performing deeds of mystifying magic, dazzling dramaturgy and enchanting ESP and, possibly, time permitting and the crowds allowing, even some hysterical hypnotism!

So drop by and see the Blackhawks kick some ice and see ME kick your brains into that space we call the Thoroughly Amazed Zone!